Pengertian grammar
Menurut wikipedia adalah “grammar is the set of structural rules
that govern the composition of clauses, phrases, and words in any given natural
language. The term refers also to the study of such rules, and this field
includes morphology, syntax, and phonology, often complemented by phonetics,
semantics, and pragmatics. Linguists do not normally use the term to refer to
orthographical rules, although usage books and style guides that call
themselves grammars may also refer to spelling and punctuation.” Sedangkan pengertian grammar menurut Oxford
learner’s pocket dictionary adalah : book that describes the rules for
forming words and making sentences.
merupakan singkatan dari Test Of English as a Foreign Language. TOEFL adalah
kemampuan bahasa inggris seseorang secara tertulis yang meliputi empat aspek
penguasaan: Listening, Writing dan Reading.
Struktur Grammer
A. Basic
Sentences Stucture
In general, there was no significant difference
between the structure of English sentences with Indonesian, where a sentence is
built upon four main components, namely.
Subject (S)
+ Verb (V) + Complement (C) + Modifier (M)
Example :
We studied grammar last week
We + studied + grammar + last week
S + V + C + M
Ø is the agent
of sentence in the active voice
Ø is
thing/person that performs or responsible for the action of a sentence
Ø normally
precedes the verb
Example :
I explain how to study
She listens
to my explanation
They didn’t understand
that languageThe subject can be seen from the question who or what is doing the action
of a sentence.
Verb is the action of a sentence. Verb phrase:
auxilaries combination with the main verb.
Example :
I am
learning English (am = auxilary, learning = main verb)
My brother is very clever
She has
gone home (has =
auxilary, gone = main
I have been
waiting here (have
been = auxilary, waiting =
main verb)
ü Usually a
noun or noun phrase
ü usually
found after the verb in the active sentence
ü complement
to answer the question what or whom
example :
ü Sarijon
bought a cake yesterday
ü What did
Sarijon buy yesterday? –> a cake.
ü He saw Tony at
the movie
ü Whom did he
see at the movie? –> Tony
ü I explain pharmacology to
my students
ü What do I
explain to my students? –> pharmacology
ü Modifier
describes the time, place, or manner of an action or actions
ü The most
common form of the modifier is a propositional phrase (group of words that
begins with a preposition and ends with a noun. Preposition = on, out, under,
behind, etc
ü Modifier
answer the questions when, where, or how
Example :
ü John bought
a book at a book fair
ü Where did
John buy a book? –> at a book fair
ü She is
driving very fast
ü How is she
driving? –> very fast
ü I posted my application yesterday
ü When do I
post my application? –> yesterday
example problems :
The Eiffel Tower is a landmark in Paris,
Young deer is
A dream about falling is scary
flowers are beautiful
B. Parallel Structure
Parallelism means that the words
used in a series or group that should have the same form as grammar. When we
use words or phrases that are connected by a chain, then it must be the same
shape as grammar. Consider the following example:
Terry likes
swimming and to dive. (False - not parallel)
Terry likes swimming and diving. (True -
Terry likes to swim and (to) dive. (True -
I'm taking history, math, and chemical. (False
- Chemical not a noun)
· I'm taking history, math, and chemistry
Example problem :
Identify and
correct the mistakes in parallel structure in the following sentences
1. I swept the
yard, weeded the garden and washed the clothes.
decided to get up early, practice some yoga and eat
healthy foods.
Although I
trained hard, practiced every day and listened to my
trainer, I never won a tournament.
I wish he
would listen to me, take my advice and stop smoking.
He is an
articulate, intelligent and thoughtful speaker.
C. Comparative
When talking about the two objects,
we can compare and see the differences as well similarities between the two
objects. Maybe it has the same thing on one side and the difference on the
other side. To compare the difference between the two objects we use
comparative adjectives. Comparison is only using comparative adjectives to
compare between two objects only.
There are
two ways to create a comparative adjectives:
1. Adding the suffix-er (short adjectives)
2. Adding more prefix (long adjectives)
1. Adding the suffix-er (short adjectives)
2. Adding more prefix (long adjectives)
Addition of
a suffix rule for short adjectives:
ü Generally
only added adjective-er, for example: older, smaller, richer, etc.
ü If the
ending-e, just add r, for example: later, nicer, etc.
ü If the ending in a
consonant-vowel-consonant, the final consonant plus, then plus-er, for example:
bigger, hotter, etc.
ü If the
ending-y, then y changed to i then added er, for example: happier, Earlier,
busier, heavier, etc.
ü For long adjectives,
the rule only adds more words only on adjectives, for example: expensive to be
more expensive, more beautiful to be beautiful, and so on. Some adjectives have
irregular shapes, such as good - better, well (healthy) - better, bad - worse,
far - farther / further, etc.
Adjectives with two syllables can use-er or more:
quiet - quieter / more quiet, clever - cleverer / more clever, narrow -
narrower / more narrow, simple - Simpler / more simple. Comparative adjectives
are not only used to compare two different objects, but can also be used to
compare the same object that points to itself, and the object is not to say, as
one example sentence above: I want to have a more powerful computer.
Adjectives with two syllables
If the
adjective has two or more syllables, we add more before the adjective. example:
ü This book is
more expensive than that book.
ü This picture is more beautiful.
However, there are many exceptions to the rule of one
/ two syllables it.
Some words with 2 syllables have properties similar to words that have 1 syllable.
Some words with 2 syllables have properties similar to words that have 1 syllable.
§ This is
Easier – True
§ This is more
easy - not really
§ This is
Simpler – True
§ This is more
simple - not true
And some
adjectives can use both comparative form. example:
· Clever -
cleverer - more clever: These are all correct
Quiet -
quieter - more quiet: These are all correct.
No exceptions can be learned through the rules, the
best way to learn is to learn it one by one.
problems :
- The Nile river is longer than the Amazon.
- I’m taller than Yuri but shorter than Miko.
- They’re more handsome than us, but we’re smarter than them.
- This book bag is more expensive than that bag.
- This newspaper is better than that newspaper.
Selain contoh diatas ada juga struktur
toefl grammar yang lainnya yaitu :
Passive Voice
pasif jelas berbeda dengan kalimat aktif. Kegunaannya pun berbeda dalam bahasa
Inggris. Dalam kalimat aktif, subjek lah yang melakukan pekerjaan, sedangkan dalam
kalimat pasif, objek lah yang melakukan pekerjaan.
kalimat dari aktif menjadi kalimat pasif dapat dilihat sebagai berikut :
Aktif : Hendry often helps my mother.
Pasif : My mother is often helped by Hendry.
Aktif : I sent this letter three days ago.
Pasif : This letter was sent by me three days ago.
Kalimat pasif digunakan jika kita ingin memfokuskan
kejadiannya, bukan siapa ataupun apa
yang melakukannya.
The city was destroyed during the World War II.
(Kota itu hancur selama Perang Dunia II.)
Kalimat pasif juga digunakan jika kita ingin
menghindari suatu objek yang semu seperti somebody/someone.
Contoh :
The letter has to be sent today.
(Suratnya harus dikirim hari ini.)
Dalam passive voice kita juga dapat menggunakan
“by” jika kita ingin mengatakan siapa atau apa yang melakukan suatu
Contoh :
The fence was broken last week. à tidak diketahui siapa/apa pelakunya.
The fence was broken by the storm last week. à menjadi diketahui.
b) Adjective
Adjective merupakan kata sifat yang digunakan
untuk menerangkan kata benda. Adjective dapat digunakan di depan benda countable
ataupun uncountable.
Contoh :
expensive bag à tas mahal
new Friend à teman baru
adalah jenis-jenis adjective :
ü Qualitative
adj : menerangkan bentuk/kejadian suatu benda.
(big, small, tall, etc.)
ü Distributive
adj : bersifat distributive
(every, either, each, etc.)
ü Possessive
adj : menunjukan kepunyaan.
(his, her, my, etc.)
ü Demonstrative
adj : untuk menunjuk suatu benda.
(that, this, those, etc.)
ü Interrogative
adj : untuk menanyakan suatu benda.
(which, what, whose)
ü Quantitative
adj : menerangkan jumlah benda.
(many, some, much, etc.)
ü Colour
adj :
menerangkan warna benda.
(red, green, yellow, etc.)
Ada juga
jenis adjective yang berikutnya, yaitu compound adjective.
Compound Adjective yaitu kata bilangan yang dapat digabungkan
dengan kata benda dalam bentuk singular.
Contoh :
Age (usia)
A fifty years old woman.
à salah
A fifty year old
woman. à benar
Volume (isi)
He has just bought a ten litres car. à
He has just bought a ten litre car.
à benar
Length (panjang)
Fifteen metre house. (not metres)
Price (harga)
Sixty dollar camera. (not dollars)
Weight (bobot)
Ten kilo package. (not kilos)
Are (bidang)
Twenty acre farm. (not acres)
Time (waktu)
Two hour meeting. (not hours)
c) Comparison
Adalah tingkat-tingkat perbandingan yang terdiri dari
jenis-jenis berikut :
Positive degree
kesamaan mutu, banyaknya, tingkatan, derajat, antara suatu benda dengan benda
Contoh :
The girl
is as old as my mother.
I am as tall
as my sister.
Comparative degree
jika kita ingin menunjukan secara jelas bahwa terdapat ketidaksamaan perbandingan
antara benda yang satu dengan benda lainnya.
Contoh :
shorter than my brother.
My bag is more expensive than her.
Aturan dalam
comparative degree ini adalah jika kata sifat kurang atau sama 2
suku kata, maka untuk perbandingannya kita menambahkan “er” pada kata sifat
tersebut. Tetapi jika kata sifat yang kita gunakan untuk membandingkan adalah
lebih dari 2 suku kata, maka kita tambahkan “more” di depan kata sifat
Superlative degree
untuk membandingkan seseorang atau beda yang melebihi orang-orang atau
benda-benda lainnya. (paling)
Contoh :
Dave is the tallest in the class.
Ellie is the most diligent student.
Aturan dalam superlative degree ini mirip
seperti comparative degree. Jika kata yang kita gunakan untuk
membandingkan kurang atau sama dengan 2 suku kata, maka kita tambahkan “est”
pada kata tersebut. Sedangkan jika lebih dari 2 suku kata maka kita tambahkan
“most” di depan kata tersebut.
d) Adjective
anak kalimat yang berfungsi sebagai modifier atau menggantikan kedudukan
dari adjective dalam kalimat majemuk.
Contoh :
1. The boy who
studies in Gunadarma University is Doni.
The man whom you met yesterday is my father.
3. The girl whose
dress is white is my sister.
Who, whom, whose, kemudian ada juga which,
dan that merupakan relative clauses yang fungsinya adalah
melengkapi adjective clause.
relative clauses digunakan sebagai berikut :
: digunakan
berhubungan dengan subjek (orang)
: digunakan berhubungan dengan objek (orang)
: digunakan
berhubungan dengan subjek atau objek (benda)
: digunakan
berhubungan dengan subjek atau objek (benda/orang)
: digunakan
berhubungan dengan kata ganti milik.
e) The Zero
kata sandang yang kadang-kadang tidak digunakan dalam bahasa Inggris.
Kata sandang
tidak digunakan di depan kata benda plural jika yang dimaksud adalah
sesuatu yang bersifat umum.
Contoh :
People : Doctors
are paid better than teacher.
b) Animals
: Cats don’t like cold weather.
c) Food
: Carrots are good for eyes.
Places :
Museums are closed on Monday.
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